Sunday, 2 December 2012

ONLY A WEEK TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until Year 3 and 4 perform their Nativity play for their grown ups. They need to prepare for an amazing performance as the singing is outstanding.

We will be learning about Advent and preparing for Christmas in our RE Lessons.

We will be learning about fractions this week in Maths. Did you know that a fraction is an equal part of something? Listen to the song to help you to understand.



by Sean Kennedy said...

I like the Mr. R. 's fraction song and I like every thing on the blog and mathletics and Mrs Hinsley you are a good teacher.

Sean Kennedy said...

I loved the play on the 10 of December 2012 and I loved being a shepherd in the play and I know everyone enjoyed it.

Sean Kennedy said...

I love Advent and I love Christmas and there is 13 sleeps to go and I can't wait till Christmas.