Sunday, 25 November 2012

Another week ahead of exciting learning. Thank you to all the children and their grown ups for a wonderful Inspire workshop.

This week Year 4 hope to go to 9am Mass on Friday morning, so remember to bring your coats in case it is raining.

We will start to practise our nativity songs ready for our performance for parents and families.

We will continue to learn about habitats in our science lessons.

 In RE we are learning how Jesus taught us how to pray


Are you ready to write your information leaflet all about spiders?


by Sean Kennedy said...

I like doing about spiders and I know quite allot about spiders in our literacy and Mrs Hinsley you sare a good teacher.

Sean Kennedy said...

I like my RE in year 4 and I like going on the computer at home and going on the blog and mathletics and I love it.

Alyssa said...

I did injoy doing spider's.