Thursday, 20 January 2011

Cool art work - does it play tricks with your brain?

Look carefully - are you sure you see what you think you see?

Look twice!


Alex said...

I like the pictures

piera said...

this is so difficult

Kristian said...

I like the first picture when it start from a blue bride and then turns to a boat.

Rhianna+Kiara said...

This is really good mrs Nicholls but it is tricky and it messes my brain

george said...

Dear mrs Nicholls
This picture really confused me my father,mother,sister and brother on the horse one my dad found all of them.

niall said...

Hi mrs nicholls i love those patings i did get confused by the last pating

Kerry said...

Hi Mrs nicholls,
i like all the paiting i think
the artist who created them must
off been very clever to come up with them !
my sister lauren did not get the horse one :)

alana and enya said...

that is cool

Ethan said...

I like looking at this.

Aaron payne said...

this is comfusing me but it is fun to do.

Younis said...

This is confusing. I don't understand it.