Sunday, 14 November 2010

Mrs Hinsley's Spellings Monday 15th November

You have 12 spelling words altogether

Your first seven spelling words are the plural form of;

Fireman, foot, child, woman, sheep, mouse, tooth

Activity 1

One fireman, two ___________One foot, two __________

One child, two___________ One woman, two  ___________

One sheep, two __________ One mouse, two __________

One tooth, two _________________

Your next five spelling words all end in ‘y’ and your spelling words are the plural form
Remember take off the 'y' and add 'ies' to make the plural

Fly, fairy, lolly, enemy, daisy

One daisy, three _________ One fairy, four ______________

One fly, two ___________ One lolly, ten ______________

One enemy, lots of __________

Activity 2

List all of your spelling words in alphabetical order in two lists. Like this:

Singular Plural (spelling words)

Child  - Children


1 comment:

Jakub and niall said...

dear mrs nichollsbn this is niall and Jakub we practis every night on are christmas songs.