Monday, 1 November 2010

Mrs Hinsley's Spelling Homework Monday 1st November 2010

Singular means only one,
Plural means more than one.

Plurals ending in ‘s’ or ‘es’

Bucket, church, bush, pencil, brush, torch, princess, spade, fox, flute
 - log on to the website(if you can) to practise your spellings.

Your spelling words are not the singular words above but the plural of these words. Eg bucket – buckets (this is your spelling word)

Activity 1

Put your 10 spelling words in alphabetical order both singular and plural, like this

Bucket- buckets

Activity 2

Write some sentences using all of the plurals of your spelling words. Underline each one as you use it. Like this;-

Once there were two princesses who kept some foxes in two nearby churches.

Learn your spellings and work out the rule for changing the words from singular to plural.


dani&alana said...

that was good

Declan Devlin said...

Get well soon Mrs.Hinsley!

declan and jake said...

hi mrs nichols i got on the laptop after my dinner. i had steak pie chips and bread . it was lovely see you soon!!!

decy dec drops the maths rapper said...

thanx alex i think you done good aswell in the judo deserved to be star of the week aswell. lol for its the holidays!!!!!!!!

decy dec drops the maths raper said...

hi mrs nichols and mrs hinsley.i am glad it is three days off school and i got on the laptop 1 hour after i got out of bed. i was eager to get on the computer.i said thanx to alex becuase he said thet my rap was brilliant.