Wednesday, 12 May 2010

4H Assembly

It is 4H's assembly on Tuesday 18th May and all grown ups are welcome to come and learn a little more about Pentecost which is celebrated in church on 23rd May.

We will find out how some very scared and uncertain people were helped by the Holy Spirit.

It should be wierd.............................but WONDERFUL!

We hope that it goes with a BANG!!!

We look forward to seeing you there.


Ola said...

I can't wait till the assembly and I look forward to it

LOve Ola

Natalia G said...

I am looking forward too. I am also excited about it.
From Natalia

Ola said...

I really can't wait till the assembly and I watch forward till the assembly Love From Ola

lauren-mae said...

i can not wait to watch it

Ola said...

I really enjoyed it and it was fun to perform

Love from Ola

Ola said...

I liked the part when kameron popped the balloon and when we said booooo I loved it

Love from Ola

Ola said...

I really enjoyed doing the assembly in front of everyone and i liked when kameron popped the balloon.

Natalia G said...

I really liked it when we poped the balloon. It was weird.......... but wonderful............................................BOO! I really,really enjoyed it.

Natalia G said...

Me and Sean enjoyed our parts.

Melinda said...

It was really good aznd funny and it was wierd.......BUT WONDERFUL!!

Maciek said...

We think that the assembly went very good

Tommy said...

I relly had fun at assembly