Thursday, 22 April 2010

Summer Term

Welcome back everyone, we hope that you had a lovely Easter holiday and that you are keen to learn more at school.

You will be taking your targets home at the end of this week. There will be  Reading, Writing, Maths and RE targets and they will be stuck into your work books at school and into your Reading Records so that you can take them home.

You should know what your targets are and be working towards them this half term.

Love from

Mrs Hinsley and Miss Speers


Natalia G said...

Have a nice time too Mrs Hinsley and Mrs Speers

Ola said...

Dear miss Speers and mrs Hinsley

I know all my targets and i hope you had a lovely Easter

Love Ola

P.S: I am going to put lots and lots of comment on the blog to make it as the old blog.

Melinda said...

i am ready to do some work back after the holidays