Thursday, 29 November 2012

Practise your times tables on these amazing games. Log on to the website, there are so many games to choose from, if you use these games regularly you will be a times table genius!!!!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Another week ahead of exciting learning. Thank you to all the children and their grown ups for a wonderful Inspire workshop.

This week Year 4 hope to go to 9am Mass on Friday morning, so remember to bring your coats in case it is raining.

We will start to practise our nativity songs ready for our performance for parents and families.

We will continue to learn about habitats in our science lessons.

 In RE we are learning how Jesus taught us how to pray


Are you ready to write your information leaflet all about spiders?

Log on to this website and find lots of games to help you to tell the time using an anologue clock.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Play this game to practise your skills of subtracting by counting on.

Some important dates to remember
  •   Thursday 15th November - school closed for voting
  •   Tuesday 20th November - 4 KS assembly
  •   Thursday 22nd November - Year 4 Inspire workshop - which will include first live class performances of children playing their instruments for parents. HOW EXCITING!!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Can you finish these similes?

1. as proud as a ___

2. as wise as an ___

3. as blind as a ___

4. as strong as an ___

5. as quiet as a___

6. as slippery as an ___

7. as happy as a ___

8. as hairy as a ___

9. as playful as a ___

10. as sly as a ___

11. as meek as a ___

12. as busy as a ___

13. as slow as a ___

14. as brave as a ___

15. as fat as a ___

We have been learning about handling data.

Can you remember what data is?

We can
  • collect data
  • present data in charts, graphs and diagrams
  • Interpret data - that means to be able to ask and answer questions about the information that we have collected
Log on to the web site below to practise interpretting data