Thursday, 21 October 2010

Count on Convict - Subtraction numbers lines.

Friday Mass

Year 4 are going to Mass in church this Friday 22nd October at 9.00am. All grown-ups are most welcome to join us. See you there!

Monday, 18 October 2010

Timez Attack link

Ask your grown-ups if you can download Timez Attack to help you to learn your tables in a fun way:

Times tables games link

Mrs Hinsley' s Spelling Homework Monday 18th October 2010

dew, due, farther, father, lead, led, sew, sow, so, some, sum, sun, son

Activity 1

Write your 13 spellings words in a list in alphabetical order

Activity 2

Choose a spelling word(s) and use and spell it correctly in a sentence. Do this for ALL of your spelling words. Like this:

Find homophones for these words.

meet sought stare

steel tacks thyme

Learn your spellings and know what they mean.

Spellings 18th October 2010 - Mrs Nicholls's Group

This week's vowel phoneme is oy/oi.

Group 1: joint, point, avoid, annoy, appointment, noisy, loyal, enjoy, gargoyle, voyage, rejoice, toilet.


Group 2: coin, enjoy, join, noise, oink, boil, choice, boy, royal, loyal, annoy, coil.

Remember to use 'look, say, cover, write, check'. Good luck!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

2D shapes

Use this site to remind yourself of the names of some 2D shapes. Try to remember how many sides and how many corners each shape has. Click to find out how many lines of symmetry each shape has too.

Remember that the siX sided shape is called a heXagon  and it has the X factor!!!!!